Blog posts October 2013

May I See Your ID

You are God’s masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)

I had made the frustrating, tragic mistake of trying to find the kingdom of God, which is righteousness, peace and joy (see Romans 14:17), in things and other people. I didn’t realize the kingdom of God is within us, as the apostle Paul wrote in Colos…

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Triune Dance

7x7 shadow box
origami, embroidery floss, acrylic on canvas paper

“I am a garden enclosed. A locked garden.
A fountain that’s sealed.
I am Your resting place. Here in the reservoir of me.
That you would dwell in my heart.
That I could fellowship with God.
The very glory of God, on the inside of m…

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I am overwriting all the lies I believed in with God’s Truth.

I am fearfully
and wonderfully made
I am His new creation
I am predestined
I am chosen
I am adopted
I am a son of God
I am God’s child
I am God’s bride

I am loved
I am bought with a price
I am redeemed
I am set free from sin
I am joined to th…

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Lament Box

I love the image of God keeping all my tears in a bottle.

Today tears are being shed in dark rooms where children are being held as sex slaves, in Africa as people remain homeless and without food and water, in the United States as many remain jobless, in hospitals and on the streets where the me…

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4 Blog Posts